Sponsored Students Billing
Sponsored students are students who are enrolled at UC San Diego, and require UC San Diego to bill an outside agency (public or private sector sponsor including: military agency, educational institution, and international embassy) for tuition and fees.
Agency payments made directly to a student, or reimbursements to a student, are not considered third-party agreements.
Students receiving third-party sponsorship must follow the steps outlined by Student Financial Solutions (SFS) to successfully establish their sponsor's contract with the UC San Diego.
Note: Student Financial Solutions will only bill a student's sponsor agency for mandatory tuition and registration fees. They will not bill for fees such as housing, meal plans, books, parking, application fees, or late fees. The tuition rates and fees website contains fee information per quarter for your reference.
In collaboration with the Sponsored Student Services Unit, Student Financial Solutions (SFS) maintains agency and graduate and undergraduate student third-party accounts, handles all correspondence regarding third-party agreements, and prepares and sends bills for tuition and fees.
Contact Information:
Attn: Third-Party Coordinator
9500 Gilman Dr. MC 0026
La Jolla, CA 92093-0026
In order to maintain a high level of quality service to our sponsored international students and their sponsoring organizations, the Sponsored Student Services Program within the ISEO charges an administrative fee of $350.00 per student, per academic quarter (excluding summer session) directly to the student's sponsor. This is billed separately from tuition, student fees, and other miscellaneous charges.
Please see our Sponsored Student Services page for more information about the specialized support offered to our sponsored student population. For more information about this fee, please contact us at sponsoredstudents@ucsd.edu.