iServices Instructions
iServices is an online portal which serves as ISEO's document request system for F-1 and J-1 international students and scholars. Through iServices, students are able to request immigration documents, such as the F-1 Form I-20 or J-1 Form DS-2019 from ISEO, in addition to reporting certain changes to their visa status or obtaining other support documents. The ISEO's iServices Instructions for Students page contains helpful information and troubleshooting guides for users accessing and submitting requests through iServices.
Login to iServices
- To access iServices, navigate to
- Log in using your Active Directory (AD) or Single Sign-On (SSO) login information. credentials via Duo Two-Step Log In
Device and Browser Requirements:
The recommended browser to access iServices is Google Chrome. You may use a mobile device to view your account and submit requests. Please note that iServices has not been fully tested through Mobile Device for submitting requests and highly recommend students use a laptop or desktop.
Newly Admitted Students:
iServices will be available for you to request your new I-20 or DS-2019 document(s) for Summer or Fall quarter starting in March of that year.
- Undergraduate students: You must Accept Your Offer of Admission in the Applicant Portal before accessing iServices.
- Graduate students: Please wait at least 72 hours after accepting your offer of admission to set up your UCSD password/PID to enable you to access the iServices.
If you are an international student alumni who has graduated from UC San Diego, your student account may have been automatically deactivated after some time, preventing you from logging into iServices to submit requests and download documents. To regain access to iServices, you must take the following steps.
- Step 1: Fill out, sign, and return a PID/PAC Request Form (PDF) to the Registrar's Office.
- Fax: (858) 534-5723
- Or scan and e-mail: Registrar-StudentServices
If you remember your PID, please enter it next to your full name. In the form, you will select that you are requesting a PAC, which will function as your password. If you have forgotten your PID, you will also request your PID.
- Step 2: After the Registrar's Office has provided you with your PID and PAC, you will use this information to log into iServices via Student SSO.
- Username: Enter your PID
- Password: Enter your PAC
If you encounter any further errors after receiving your PID / PAC from the Registrar's Office, please email with the following:- Your PID/PAC information
- A screenshot of the iServices SSO log-in screen with your PID/PAC information entered
- Screenshot(s) of the error messages you received
- What web browser you are using to access iServices
iServices: Basic Navigation
Navigating iServices
Your view in iServices is dependent upon your visa type and enrollment status with the university.
Students should see a Menu of Services on the left hand side of the screen. Each Service represents a group of requests that students can submit to ISEO. Students should review the different requests available within each service and identify the correct request to begin. Once a student begins a request, there may be multiple electronic forms (or eForms) within a single request to complete.
Submitting a Request
Students must complete all required eForms and upload all required documents within each request. See section, 'Document Access & Upload Requirements' on this page to understand document requirements. When a student successfuly submits a request, the status of the request will reflect as "Pending Office Approval."
Request & eForm Status
Within each request, students will notice that the request itself, in addition to each eForm within the request, will have a status. Below is an explanation of each status:
- Approved (with check mark): Your request has been reviewed by an ISEO Advisor and an email notification has been sent to you. If applicable, a new document may be attached.
- Cancelled: Your request is no longer in queue to be reviewed by an ISEO Advisor. If an ISEO Advisor cancels your request, you will receive an email notification for the reason your request has been cancelled.
- Denied: Your request has been reviewed by an ISEO Advisor and cannot be processed. Review your email notification for the reason your request has been denied and available next steps.
- In Progress: You have started a request but have not yet successfully submitted it to ISEO for review.
- Incomplete/Draft: Your request is incomplete and requires additional information or action from the student before it can be reviewed by an ISEO Advisor. See section, 'Resubmitting Incomplete Requests' on this page for more information.
- Pending Office Approval: Your request is currently in queue to be reviewed by an ISEO Advisor.
- Routed to Third Party: Your request is currently in queue to be reviewed by your college or department prior to being routed to an ISEO Advisor.
Notifications, Requests (Active & Previously Submitted), & Documents
- Notifications: On the Services Home Page, you will be able to see all email notifications pertaining to your requests. Notifications will be sent to your UC San Diego Email, or primary email on file, and will also be available for view in the Notifications section of the Services Home Page. You can also click on the bell icon at the top right had corner of your window to see a list of all your notifications.
- Requests: On the Services Home Page, you will be able to see all active and previously submitted requests. Each request will have an associated status (see section, Request and eForm Status). You can also click on the document and pen icon at the top right had corner of your window to see a list of all your requests.
- Documents: To access your documents, review your email notifications. Depending on the type of requests, Approval Notifications may have a document attached within the email. You can also click on the document with a downward facing arrow icon at the top right had corner of your window to see your most recently issued Form I-20, Form DS-2019, or Support/Verification Documents. You can adjust the filter to indicate if you'd like to show the most recent document or all documents within a given group.
Receiving & Reviewing Immigration Documents
Please note that the processing time for your individual requests will depend on a number of different factors and cannot be guaranteed.
- Incomplete Requests: Requests will be set to incomplete when additional information, updated information, or clarification is needed. For this reason, please thoroughly review all eForm instructions and your responses prior to submitting. Please note that the days that your iServices request remain in an incomplete status will not count towards the processing time and may cause a delay in processing. If your application is incomplete or invalid, you will be contacted by an ISEO Advisor with instructions to resubmit or add clarifying information to your request in iServices. The speed at which a request can be processed is largely dependent on how complete and accurate the request is at the time of submission.
Completed Requests: Once your request has been reviewed, you will receive a notification by email. If applicable, the approval notification will contain an attached document and will also be uploaded to the Documents section within iServices for you to access. You will need to download it, print it, and sign it.
Resubmitting Incomplete Requests
Requests will be set to incomplete when additional information, updated information, clarification or new document is needed before it can be thoroughly reviewed by an ISEO Advisor. If your request is Incomplete, the request status will reflect as 'Incomplete/Draft'. Follow the steps below:
- Review Email Notification to learn what additional information, updated information, clarification, or new document you need to provide.
- Log in to and open your Incomplete / Draft request.
- Open the eForm that is in Incomplete / Draft status and enter the requested information or reupload the requested document.
- Click on the "Submit" button to resubmit each eForm that is in Incomplete / Draft status.
- Make sure the entire request is in Pending Office Approval status
Document Access & Upload Requirements
Locating your Documents:
Once your request has been reviewed, you will receive a notification by email. If applicable, the approval notification will contain an attached document and will also be uploaded to the Documents section within iServices for you to access. You will need to download it, print it, and sign it.
To access your documents, review your email notifications. You can also click on the document with a downward facing arrow icon at the top right had corner of your window to see your most recently issued Form I-20, Form DS-2019, or Support/Verification Documents.
You can adjust the filter to indicat if you'd like to show the most recent document or all documents within a given group.
Document Upload Requirements
As you complete your request in iServices, you will be asked to upload documents required to process the request. Ensure your documents meet the following requirements:
- Format: Acceptable file formats are: PDF, JPG, GIF, BMP, and PNG.
- File Size: The maximum size for any single file upload is 50 MB.
- File Name: Upload issues may occur if there are special characters in the document filename.
- Do not use any spaces or characters (- * _ : /) when naming any documents for uploading.
- Single File Upload: The system will only accept one file upload in each datafield. If you have multiple documents to upload in one field, please combine all documents into one file prior to uploading.
Troubleshooting Tips & Support
Access Issues
- Access: If you are unable to log in, ensure you've reviewed the 'Login to iServices' section of this page if you are a newly admitted student or have graduated (alumni). If you continue to experience issues, contact ISEO.
- View: If you are not seeing requests that you have been instructed to submit, contact ISEO.
Performance & Submission Errors:
- Slowness: If system is slow to respond upon a submission, wait patiently; clicking the submit button again before system finishes processing the first submit will generate an error.
- Bad Request Error: There are a number of issues that could lead to a "Bad Request Error". Review the following recommendatiosn to troubleshoot and resolve the issue:.
- Use a computer (instead of a mobile device) or a different computer than you tried previously
- Use Google Chrome (instead of a different internet browser) or try using an Incognito window in Chrome
- Clear all cookies and cache and refresh before trying again
- Try using a different WiFi network or ethernet connection
- When submitting requests, if applicable, ensure all required documents are uploaded (this will be indicated by a green checkmark next to each document requirement)
- Reduce file sizes (see above drawer)
- Rename file and remove special characters that are not allowed (see above drawer)
- Shut down system and reopen (may clear something stuck in the system)